Hebei KA-Better is located in Hejian City, Cangzhou, Hebei province, the company has more than 200 people, covers an area of 30,000 square meters, is invested by Hebei Kangao, forging technology for the technical support of the manufacturing enterprise. "Hebei Kang-better" - "KA-better", meaning "Hebei Kang-Ao better", inherits the hebei Kang-ao down-to-earth, thick moral integrity, the spirit of hard work, bearing kang-ao for the best price never stop, kang-ao brand international dream.
Tel:0086-317-3603260 0086 15031703566(Wechat)
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Hebei KA-Better Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd.
There are 20 lines of forging equipment from 125 tons to 2500 tons, more than 200 sets of automatic NUMERICAL control equipment, 20 automatic raw material cutting lines...

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